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Indianapolis, IN, United States

Monday, August 18, 2008

Drunk and disorderly...

Good god, people. Will I never learn?

Went to the Trump's yesterday for a nice, relaxing day at the pool. I had every intention of just having a couple of cocktails and socializing. I'm not sure how, but somewhere along the line I got pretty sloppy drunk...so much so that The Wonderful Wizard himself was concerned about me being too drunk to drive home.

Oh, well. I somehow stumbled to my car and made it home; woke up on the floor in front of the tv at 3:30 this morning with a large glass of water and a bottle of excedrin next to me...at least I planned ahead.

I really meant for yesterday's pool trip to be a productive one. I meant to talk with the key players about Halle's fish fry. If I did wind up talking with them, I'm sure I was too belligerent for them to understand a thing I was saying. I don't know if I ever wound up eating yesterday, but for some reason, a hot dog comes to mind. When I woke up again at 7:30 this morning, I did force myself to eat some egg beaters & turkey bacon lest it be a really, really ugly day.

There is a Pride membership mixer this Thursday, so I'll need to go not only to sign up for my membership (elections are next month and I need to be a voting member), but for damage assessment. I don't think I made too big an ass of myself, but there are some blank spots in the evening that require some reconciliation. I'm sure FitnessNerd & Blanche will happily provide any details.

One thing I do feel bad about is not making it to Bloomington to see Stella Couture & Holly Luyah perform. God, I hate having to apologize "the day after."

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