About Me

Indianapolis, IN, United States

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Death by Caucasian

Seriously...you people are wearing me out!!

I know I should just learn how to say "no," but tasty adult beverages with fun people just proves too darned tempting for me to pass up.

After work yesterday, I ran by the house to change clothes, say hi/bye to the roomie and the cat, then headed to Olly's for some dinner. Yes, I ate beFORE I started drinking last night. *and homos around the world rejoiced!*

After I finished my grilled chicken Caesar at Olly's, I headed over to meet the MGs at Metro. When I arrived, Blanche was already there talking with the Prez and a couple of other (to-be-named-at-a-later-date-when-I-feel-more-creative) board members/supporters. Of course, they had to give me a hard time about my drunken state Sunday at the pool. What I confirmed through conversations with people during the evening is that MGs at the pool were a little more mortified by my drunkenness than anyone else. Most people found it humourous that I was that intoxicated because they'd yet to see me like that...much like putting on a dress and boarding a bus, my sloppiness served to build a bridge, inching me closer to our new found friends and compatriots.

The evening was going along swimmingly when in walked a young man from my past. Seeing him caught me off guard because I hadn't seen him in 7 years. The last time I saw him, he was 19 which means I was 32...and we knew each other. It wasn't terribly uncomfortable, I just found it amusing to find that he had been talking to/with someone else in the group and he pretty much made it clear that we had been "friends." We exchanged numbers so hopefully we'll find some time to catch up.

The MGs hung around Metro for awhile, taking part in karaoke and selling some of the Bag Ladies Calendars before FitnessNerd and I made arrangements to go to Greg's to meet up with Sequoia.

We made it to Greg's and ran into Holly Luyah and Audrey Heartburn and pretty much just sat around drinking and dishing. I talked with Sequoia for a bit longer after FN left, then headed home myself to be home by 2:ish. I fell into bed and woke up around 9:30 when I received an email reminder of a conference call I needed to be on. *blah*

The day's been productive and I finally sobered up around 2:30.

I'm feeling the urge to go out for karaoke tonight, but I also know that the Pride Membership Mixer is tomorrow night and I'm pretty sure that will be a drunk night and then there's the mojito party hosted by the roomies on Friday...Lord...my poor liver.

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