About Me

Indianapolis, IN, United States

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's not just bloat...

I've become a fat ass again. I weighed in this morning and I've crept back up to 200 lbs.

200. I weigh about the same as two Mary Kate Olsens...probably more than, truth be told. I remember a time not too terribly long ago that I stepped on the scale and it said 167. Well, I guess that was actually in 2006. But still, 33 lbs in 2 years? 16.5 lbs a year? 1.375 lbs a month? 0.04 oz per day. That really doesn't sound like a lot when you break it down...0.04 oz per day. But look what it added up to over time.

Maestro has proposed another Biggest Loser. Given my showing in the last "competition," I'm hesitant to get on board, but I definitely need to do SOMEthing. I think the mental image I have of my physical appearance is one of the reasons I'm not too terribly keen on dating or even trying to date. No one wants to date a fat ass and I don't want anyone to date one if that one is attached to me.

So given the amount of activities I have in the next two months, I'm hoping to trim the fat. When we were in Chi for NH Market Days, Bauer drunkenly told me that he has a theory behind my weight gain...I'm making too much money. He has a point. When I was working at Bauer, I didn't have a car so I was taking the bus everywhere which means that I was doing a LOT of walking. Also, when I was making less money (at EB, by the way {ha ha}), I was eating a LOT less. It was more important to have drinking money than eating money. I kind of miss those ketchup & mustard sandwiches every now and then, though. At the Circle Centre food court, you can always find condiment packs laying around. Don't laugh...sweet & sour sauce makes a pretty good soup.

Regardless, I know that I'm going to be quite visible for the next couple of months and I don't want a (literal) ton of back fat hanging out of my outfits and I'd rather not be purused by chub chasers. I'm going to take it slow this time, though. Marathon, not sprint...no crystal meth this time.

Just kidding...that was for the haterz.

Later, dudes.

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